
After completing my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Stellenbosch University, I moved to Scotland, where I did my PhD in Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. Here I tutored machine learning and natural language processing courses. I then did a postdoc at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, a research laboratory affiliated with the University of Chicago. In July 2017 I returned to Stellenbosch, where I am currently an Associate Professor in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. From 2022 I am also our department’s Postgraduate Programme Coordinator.

Between my master’s and doctoral degrees, I taught on a contract for one semester at Stellenbosch:

Since returning to Stellenbosch in 2017, I have taught:

This website states my teaching philosophy, explains how I developed (and continue to develop) this philosophy, and gives examples of how it plays out in practice in the context in which I teach.